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Scottish Abuse Case Law update GD v Sisters of Nazareth

EXE v The Governors of the Royal Naval School [2020] EWHC 595 QB

Court of Appeal dismisses appeal in abuse claim: MXX

High Court hands down seven-figure award in non-recent abuse case

Vicarious liability in the context of a family foster placement

Supreme Court

Court of Appeal provides clarification on relief from sanctions regime and Denton test

Supreme Court

GHI v TRC: Court’s application of vicarious liability post-BXB

COVID-19 – Remote government scrutiny

Mandatory Reporting of Abuse: The government response and a call for evidence

Ofsted report and guidance following 'Everyone's Invited'

Limitation and Redress

Court of Appeal provides welcome guidance as to recovery of Disbursements under Fixed Recoverable Costs (FRC)

The Court of Appeal provides guidance on failure to remove claims

Supreme Court

Supreme Court allows appeal in abuse claim: BXB and further restrictions to vicarious liability


Child Sexual Exploitation - Grooming Gangs Taskforce

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