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EXE v The Governors of the Royal Naval School [2020] EWHC 595 QB

Court of Appeal dismisses appeal in abuse claim: MXX

COVID-19 – Remote government scrutiny

Mandatory Reporting of Abuse: The government response and a call for evidence

Ofsted report and guidance following 'Everyone's Invited'

Limitation and Redress

Court of Appeal provides welcome guidance as to recovery of Disbursements under Fixed Recoverable Costs (FRC)

The Court of Appeal provides guidance on failure to remove claims

COVID-19 – Remote government scrutiny

Public Sector Aware

Scotland: Justice Committee publishes Limitation (Childhood Abuse) (Scotland) Bill report

IICSA: Mandatory reporting of abuse

Competition and Markets Authority: Final Report Published

IICSA and the future of limitation in abuse claims

Public Sector Aware

Disease claims & the portal

Damages Claims Portal Pilot Scheme update

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